Biofuels | Best example of the green energy

The automotive industry growing rapidly because of the increasing in the demand of the vehicles, this vehicles also consumes lot of fuel to run over the roads. The fuel is the most important to operate this vehicles, because of this the demand of the fuel is increasing rapidly. The fuel becoming most costlier due to heavy demand and lack of fuel, this is also difficult to obtain from the earth. To reduce this type of problems we need to use the green energy, the green energy is the only way in which we can survive without using the traditional fuel which is going to end in future. The Biofuels are the best fuels which can be used in vehicles and it will be created by using the natural resources, this biofuel having the most advantages over the traditional fuels like petroleum fuels.

The biofuels can made from the crops, the waste products of farms, the commercial waste, etc. The global warming can be reduced by using the biofuels because the biofuels will not generate the harmful gases for the environment. The fuel is generally made from the every object which is made up from the carbon, which is also called as organic fuels. The vegetable oil can be used to create the biofuel.

There are three types of the biofuels which are mentioned below:
1. First generation biofuels
2. Second generation biofuels
3. Third generation biofuels

First generation biofuels:
The first generation biofuels are made up of vegetable oil, ethanol, methanol, etc. The vegetable oil can be produced from the nuts and soyabean, similarly the ethanol and methanol are made up from the sugar, corn or wheat. This made the alcoholic fluid which is flammable like fuel and it will used as a biodiesel in the vehicles.

Second generation biofuels:
This type of biofuels are made up from the growing crops and plant, the chemical process is required to make these types of fuels. The chemical process on the plants produces the bioHydrogen which is in the form of gas and it is highly flammable. This fuel can generate the more energy than the first generation biofuels.

Third generation biofuels:
This is the most efficient biofuel than the above two types of the biofuel, this biofuel is made up from the algae plants which grows in the ponds. This type of plants are used to make the make the biofuel, this process needs the clean plants and it consumes lots of water to grow.

The Biofuels can be reduce the cost of the transportation of the patrol diesel from the different countries or states,  because the biofuel can be generated by using the crops and the waste which is available in every city or village. We can form the biofuel generation plant in small village as well, the biofuel helps to reduce the carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere. In future biofuels will generates the more revenue than the fruits, this cause the farmers can divert towards the soyabean and other crops which helps to produce biofuels.

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